有趣的英语演讲topic 有趣轻松的英语角话题

适合大学生的英语角话题?话题有很多啊,你可以结合你们大学的活动还有最近的热点话题,这样大家会有比较多的东西说 。比较常规的话,可以讨论下 大学毕业后的打算啦,谈谈自己的兴趣爱好啦,对于各种热点话题的看法啦 。总之,要话题具有时效性才不会让人觉得无趣,而且能激发成员去扩充词汇 。外语学习中的文化差异这种问题楼主你认为会有多少人能有话说?而且这种问题应该不是大家感兴趣的 。你有两种选择,要不就贴近生活,与个人有紧密联系,要么就具有社会性 。
一个主题是动物的英语角怎样主办才有意思?My favotite animoul
【有趣的英语演讲topic 有趣轻松的英语角话题】Most of people think that dog is a honest animoul.My family has already had a dog when I was young,I very like the dog,and it is very lovable.It is almost black,It likes not only eating meat but also eating fruits and vegetalbles .The dog is always very friredly to every one,
and it is very cute.I ususlly play with it after school.My family get along well with it.
I hope that it is healthy and happy all the time.
