
身患乳腺癌 , 先后经历25次放疗 , 后来又不幸患上抑郁症 , 但是这些病魔都不能让66岁的宁夏奶奶李春虹屈服 。 “癌症激发了我对生命的渴望 。 ”李春虹说 。 Li Chunhong, 66, said it was cancer that fired her enthusiasm for life, pushing her to do things she had never dreamed of — being a model, for instance.
李春虹曾是一名宁夏的公务员 , 在医疗领域工作 , 2017年退休 。 但退休后的她被诊断出乳腺癌 , 25次放疗让她饱受病痛的折磨 , 但她仍然乐观坚强 , “想在有限的生命里 , 再去做一些喜欢的、开心的事情 。 ”Li was a civil servant before retiring in 2017. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and went through 25 radiation treatments, suffering pain and depression. "Knowing that life is limited, I wanted to do something I really liked," she said.
2018年 , 李春虹在朋友的建议下 , 走上了模特的舞台 。 才训练了几个月 , 她就前往参加了当年的中国中老年模特大赛 , 并出乎意料地夺得了金奖 。
“这次获奖给了我很大的信心 , 让我坚持在模特这条路上继续走下去 。 ”随后 , 李春虹又连续在两届中国中老年模特大赛上斩获金奖 。 At the suggestion of a friend, she became a model in 2018. After only a few months of training, she took part in a national catwalk competition for elderly models. To her surprise, she won the gold award and then repeated the victory twice in consecutive annual competitions.
从公务员到模特的身份转变 , 让李春虹接触到了另一个精彩的世界 , 曾经上班只穿深色衣服的她 , 如今活出了跨越年龄的“精致感” 。 Li felt she had been reborn into a wonderful new world. Her identity changed from civil servant dressed only in dark-colored clothes to a model presenting the latest fashions.
在李春虹看来 , 真正的美丽源于心态 。
“退休以后 , 实际你开启了另一个人生的‘战场’ , 要在一个全新的社会里面 , 不断地去学习 。 ”李春虹说 , 生命短暂 , 却又有很长的路要走 , “在我心里永远没有‘迟’的概念 , 我也希望把这种快乐传递给其他人 。 ”"True beauty comes from a state of mind. I still have a young heart and want to make every day meaningful and share my happiness with the people around me," Li said. "After retirement, you are actually entering a new battlefield of life," she said. "You have to learn constantly."
新冠肺炎疫情暴发后 , 各类模特线下赛事相继延期或取消 。
李春虹也开始尝试创作短视频 , 并且拥有了超20万粉丝 。 在她的社交平台账号中 , 她制作并发布了她即兴编排的小故事、华丽的换装视频、在大街上走秀“炸街”……令无数网友惊呼“姐姐好美” 。 Since the COVID-19 outbreak, various modeling competitions have been postponed or canceled. So Li turned her attention to short videos. Now she has more than 200,000 followers on a short video platform.
【66岁宁夏“时尚奶奶”当模特:癌症和抑郁症都打败不了我】“我想通过自己的短视频 , 把一些正能量传递给更多的人尤其是老年人 , 希望大家都能够快乐地去生活 。 像我们这个年龄的人 , 也完全可以走向社会 , 去做自己开心的事情 。 ”李春虹说 。
